Version 2.1.0 available!
Version 2.1.0 available!


Acoustic Voice Quality Analysis:  Simple | Standardized | Intuitive


Version 2.1.0 available



  • ABI/Italian

Bug fixes

  • PDF export (Windows/Linux)

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

VOXplot Manual


The long-awaited manual has finally been completed and is now available.

Visit the Support page to download your copy (PDF).

Version 2.0.1 available


Bug fixes

  • Results sheet: improved handling of notes

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 2 available


We accomplished VOXplot Version 2!


  • Evidence-based norm values for individual acoustic parameters and correspondingly adapted norm-value circle. In addition, we have improved the scaling of the norm-value circle. Attention: Due to these two changes, the norm-value circles of the VOXplot 1 versions are no longer directly comparable with the new norm-value circles.
  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio estimation procedure. This allows you to evaluate and optimize your recording setup.
  • New analysis language: English
  • ABI cut-off score for Finnish added

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Paper published


The study mentioned below evaluating the individual acoustic parameters calculated in VOXplot has been published as an open access article:

Barsties v. Latoszek, B.; Mayer, J.; Watts, C.R.; Lehnert, B. Advances in Clinical Voice Quality Analysis with VOXplot. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4644.

Version 2.0.0 Beta available


We are currently working on version 2 of VOXplot. In the new version, we have updated the norm values, and thus the norm-value circle, to reflect the latest study results (Ben Barsties v. Latoszek, Jörg Mayer, Christopher R. Watts, Bernhard Lehnert (in press) Advances in clinical voice quality analysis with VOXplot, Journal of Clinical Medicine).

We have also added a signal-to-noise ratio estimation function to VOXplot. This allows you to evaluate and optimize your recording settings.

If you want to test version 2 now, you can find a beta version on the Download page. We plan to release the final version 2 in August. If you are already using VOXplot on a regular basis, we recommend that you stay with the current stable version 1 (v1.5.0) for the time being.

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.5.0 available



  • Added analysis languages Persian/Farsi and Finnish (Finnish: cut-off score for AVQI is already available; an evaluation study for ABI is currently implemented).

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.4.0 available



  • Added analysis language Italian (cut-off score for AVQI is already available; an evaluation study for ABI is currently implemented by GIVoC association).

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.3.1 available


Bug fixes

  • optimized font size in voice profile on small screens

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.3.0 available



  • additional Jitter algorithm: Jitter ppq5
  • voice profile: sizing and presentation of numerical results optimized
  • info about analysis language in main window

Bug fixes

  • consistent naming of combined sample (mx)
  • norm-value circle: hide AVQI and ABI lables after sv-only analysis

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.2.1 available


Bug fixes

  • speed up update check
  • better handling of non-16-bit WAV files (conversion to 16-bit PCM)

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.2.0 available



  • Added 2 new analysis languages: Malayalam and Kannada (South Indian languages).

Bug fixes

  • Selected analysis language is activated without restart. (To activate a new interface language a restart is still necessary.)

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.1.3 available


Bug fixes

  • Fixed startup problem if input device was missing.

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.1.2 available


Bug fixes

  • A new packaging method for the Windows installer fixes startup problems on 32-bit systems and speeds up program startup (32- and 64-bit). A single executable file for 32-bit Windows is no longer supported; for 64-bit Windows, this option remains available.

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.1.1 available


Bug fixes

  • Handling of negative AVQI (and ABI) values in norm-value circle.

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.1.0 available


New Features

  • The live display of the signal during recording can be deactivated in the settings. This may help if there are dropouts during recording on less powerful computers.
  • File names of loaded (or saved) voice samples are displayed.

Bug fixes

  • Checking for updates now works more reliably.
  • If Praat plugins are installed that are not compatible with the included Praat version 6.0.48, they are now ignored (instead of causing an error as before).

For those interested in the source code: The project structure is now more modular and more ‘pythonic’.

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.0.1 available


Bug fixes

  • VOXplot starts even if no microphone is connected
  • Improved detection of the recording sampling rate
  • Fixed a bug in the Windows 32-bit variant

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Version 1.0.0 now available


The first publicly available Version VOXplot v1.0.0 is online!

Visit the Download page for Windows, macOS, and Linux packages or the source code.

Beta Testing


VOXplot is already fully functional and is in the beta testing phase. The final version will be available from fall 2021.